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We Create a World That Works Better


Member Spotlight


Michael Shirley is the Lead Marketing Communications Coordinator at BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina. His professional journey includes varied experience in communications, program management, community engagement, and training which work well together in his work to create and promote learning opportunities. With a background in the nonprofit sector spanning nine years, Michael made a leap to corporate life at BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina in 2022. During this transition, Michael earned a master’s degree in human resource development from Clemson University, further solidifying his expertise in the field of learning and development.

Michael's learning and development career has flourished since joining BlueCross and becoming a member of ATD South Carolina. As VP of Communications with ATD South Carolina, he thoughtfully crafted graphics and messaging to engage members. At BlueCross he led the creation and launch of a corporate university platform aimed at speeding up onboarding and training for new staff and partners in his division.

Michael is passionate about hearing new ideas and acquiring new skills. Still, his favorite aspect of any professional development opportunity is meeting new people and forging meaningful connections, which ATD South Carolina has provided from day one. ATD’s mission to create a world that works better aligns perfectly with Michael’s life mission to leave the world better than he found it.

South Carolina ATD has many opportunities for presenters to showcase their talent. 

We are looking for local and national presenters to help build core skills, share best practices and innovations, and lead the way in trends affecting the Talent Development industry. Most importantly, we are looking for proposals to provide participants with a learning experience that offers direct professional application. Content may be delivered either in-person or virtually.

The following list was identified by our local membership as highly desirable subject matter for presentations. 

  • Designing Learning
  • Delivering Learning
  • Human Performance Improvement
  • Measuring and Evaluating Learning
  • Facilitating Organizational Change
  • Managing the Learning Function
  • Coaching
  • Managing Organizational Knowledge
  • Career Planning and Talent Management

Please use the link below to complete the Call for Presenters proposal form.

The presentations shall not contain a marketing or sales solicitation.

For questions, please contact:

Have you recently moved? Do you have a new role?

Please take the time to update your member information when you log into our website.

    • Upon login click on view profile, then edit profile.
    • Please take a moment to update your information.

We are able to customize learning based on your profile and reach out to you regarding members spotlights and prizes.

Exciting news...did you know that most of our learning events qualify for continuing education credits for those who hold APTD and/or CPTD certifications?

ATD National Resources

                        Learn more about becoming a Power Member

The Chapter Incentive Program (ChIP) is a revenue-sharing program offered by ATD National to chapters, providing an opportunity to earn additional revenue. The ATD South Carolina ChIP code is CH4005. Every member that uses this code when making ATD online store purchases, contributes to our chapter's financial health, further enabling us to accomplish our mission.


Access the ATD Store to get your tools, books, and to register for national membership.

Volunteer with ATD 

ATD South Carolina has plenty of awesome opportunities for you to get involved with the chapter and in the community.

Please contact president@atdsouthcarolina.org for volunteer opportunities.

Call for Presenters

Are you a thought leader and dynamic contributor? Fill out the form below to be considered as a presenter at an ATD event.

Find a Member

Members can search and be listed in the ATD South Carolina directory of service providers.



Mailing Address:
ATD South Carolina, P.O. Box 512, Columbia, SC 29202 


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