Why does some digital content smash the goals it was created to achieve, while others deliver a so-so result at best?
Most of us see digital content creation as a subjective art, where the most creative idea wins. The truth is, the most successful digital content in the world—sites, apps, directories, e-learning platforms, hubs, and more that we love to interact with, have a counterintuitive secret behind them. And if you understand and embrace, a few basic principles of human brain behavior and psychology that are the core of how all human beings interact online, you'll be able to take your own content to the next level of success.
Join Bailey Lewis, founder of Words First Content Strategy, and international speaker and author, in an example-rich, engaging presentation that reveals the secret psychology of how we—all humans—interact with content in digital spaces.
Breakfast and networking from 8:30 - 9:30 a.m.
Session Takeaways:
Knowledge about how the best digital content does what it does A deeper understanding of human behavior as it relates to digital content Tactics for application to see big-win results in your own content work
ATD Capability Model: Building Personal Capability, Building Professional Capability
We hope to see you Friday, June 16!
CONTACT INFORMATION Email: vp_administration@atdsouthcarolina.org
Mailing Address:ATD South Carolina, P.O. Box 512, Columbia, SC 29202