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It Takes HOW Long to Create This Training?

  • 16 Aug 2013
  • 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM
  • Midlands Technical College- Northeast Campus
  • 58


  • ASTD Midlands welcomes first time guests with the offering of a One Time Guest pass. In order to attend, please contact our Membership Director at membership@astdmidlands.org to receive a special code
  • ASTD Midlands welcomes first time National ASTD members to attend our chapter meeting. We offer a One Time Guest pass. In order to attend, please contact our Membership Director at membership@astdmidlands.org to receive a special registration code.
  • Unable to physically attend the meeting? We now offer online access. It is limited to the first 25. Online particpants will receive a separate email with link 2 days prior to the scheduled meeting.

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Session Title: It Takes HOW Long to Create This Training?





Carleen Ward

Is your training aligned with the goals of the organization?

Have you ever sat and wondered how to accurately capture your team’s development time? Do customers push for delivery dates after only one initial meeting? Do you struggle to estimate computer-based training even when the needs assessment is finished? If you answered ‘Yes’ to any of these questions, then this presentation is right for you.


This session will show various tools to help estimate your training development time and guide your organization to plan those resources accordingly.


About Carleen Ward

Carleen Ward is an Instructional Designer with BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina. She analyzes, designs, and implements diverse training for the company’s IT division and has taught a variety of courses from instructional design to professional distance and leadership principles.  Previously, Carleen managed and trained web-based applications for South Carolina Interactive for 4 years.

A seasoned instructional design expert with 15 years of experience, Carleen’s career highlights include:

  • Creating an education plan for 250+ businesses across the state for South Carolina’s Department of Natural Resources Point of Sale system
  • Creating a blended training curriculum to educate 600 employees in content management across 47 state agencies
  • Leading an instructional design team for 6 years for the Transition to Teaching grant with the University of South Carolina and Clemson University
  • Along with her colleagues, designing one of the first technology magnet schools for elementary school children in the country while a teacher in Los Angeles, CA

Carleen has a B.S. in Education from Indiana University and an M.S. in Instructional Systems Design from the University of South Carolina. She has presented at ASTD International and Training Magazine conferences.

When not heads down in a new course design, Carleen likes to exercise, travel, spend time with her friends and family, and take interior design classes. Her motto is “all problems can be solved” whether it’s a training issue or finding the right accent colors for your guest room.


Carleen Ward, M.Ed

Information Systems Training, Instructional Designer

BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina
2401 Faraway Drive
Columbia, SC 29219-0001
O: 803.264.5601
F: 803.264.0230




Mailing Address:
ATD South Carolina, P.O. Box 512, Columbia, SC 29202 


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