Presented by: Antony Bell, President/CEO of Leadership Development, Inc
Leaders are critical to an organization’s success -- leaders at all levels. Because great leadership is indispensable for great organizations (you can’t have the second without the first), intentionally, systematically, and strategically developing leaders is the organization’s most critical concern. And the training functions in an organization therefore play a critical role in the organization’s success. Unfortunately many senior leaders don’t understand or appreciate the importance of developing leaders, which creates a challenge for the organization’s trainers in implementing an effective leadership development.
This presentation addresses that challenge. Participants will be able to... Understand their role in the critical need for introducing, establishing and expanding an intentional approach to leadership development Understand the importance of having a clear framework for leadership in order to know what different levels of leadership need for their development as leaders Embrace and formulate a strategy to effectively work with senior management to implement an effective leadership program
Antony Bell is the president/CEO of LeaderDevelopment Inc., a Columbia, SC based company dedicated to providing the framework and coaching that enable leaders to understand, exercise, and teach great leadership. The company’s unique and comprehensive framework allows leaders to systematically, consciously, and deliberately initiate and lead the realignment of their organizations. Antony’s focus is on helping leaders build and strengthen the leadership capacity of their organizations, and as an executive leadership coach, he teaches and advises business leaders in leading organizational change.
Contact Antony:
Twitter Handle: leadersmatter
Mailing Address:ATD South Carolina, P.O. Box 512, Columbia, SC 29202